BIO YOUNG Amino Acid Complex is categorized as food
grade by the Malaysian Ministry of Health and carry with halal certification. The free form amino acids are extracted from plants, which provide essential daily nutrients for human body and can be taken safely for long time.
With the birth of BIO YOUNG, everyone can now easily restore the vitality of their body cells, regain health and reverse aging for 10-20 years.Bio Young is formulated with 20 amino acids, L-Carnosine, 12 vitamins, and 12 minerals, providing essential daily nutrients for our bodies.
Why is Bio Young proven to be effective for reserve-aging? It all comes down to the ingredients. It’s all natural and safe :
1. 20 Amino Acid : Superfood for the skin that improves health and well being as well.
2. 12 Minerals : To mantain basic biological function in our body.
3. 12 Vitamins : To boost immunity and maintain a healthy body, organs and skin.
4. L-Carnosine : Powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates and prolongs the lifespan of cells.
Effective way for results :
A. Must be taken with empty stomach
B. Best Time to consume:
1. Before bed, 1-2 hrs after food
2. Early morning, 20-30 mins before breakfast.
3. 20 – 30 mins before exercise to boost energy & performance.
C. Always shake with room temperature water, NEVER use warm or hot water. Drink immediately after shake!
Head-To-Toe Benefits:
– Prevent hair Loss
– Smooth & glowing skin
– Energetic
– increase muscle, reduce fat
– Stengthen immune system
– Improve bone density
– Skin elasticity
– Libido level
– Wound healing
– Body immunity
BIO YOUNG氨基酸复合物被马来西亚卫生部列为食品级,并携带清真认证。这些游离形式的氨基酸提取自植物,为人体提供每日所需的基本营养,可以安全地长期服用。有了BIO YOUNG的诞生,每个人现在都可以轻松恢复身体细胞的活力,恢复健康,逆转10-20年的衰老。Bio Young配有20种氨基酸、L-肌肽、12种维生素和12种矿物质,为我们的身体提供了必需的日常营养。
为什么BIO YOUNG被证明对逆龄有效?这一切都归结于成分。它是全天然和安全的:
1. 20种氨基酸:是皮肤的超级食物,也改善健康和幸福感。
2. 12种矿物质:维持我们体内基本生物功能。
3. 12种维生素:增强免疫力,保持健康的身体、器官和皮肤。
4. L-肌肽:强大的抗氧化剂,使细胞焕发活力,延长细胞寿命。
A. 必须空腹服用
B. 最佳服用时间:
1. 在睡前,饭后1-2小时
2. 早晨,早餐前20-30分钟
3. 锻炼前20-30分钟,以提高能量和表现。
C. 用室温水摇匀,绝不使用温水或热水。摇匀后立即饮用!
– 防止掉发
– 皮肤光滑发光
– 充满活力
– 增加肌肉,减少脂肪
– 加强免疫系统
– 改善骨密度
– 皮肤弹性
– 性欲水平
– 伤口愈合
– 身体免疫力。
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