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Fang Zih – Deluxe Elite Pure Chicken Essence with Golden Clam Extraction /Esen Ayam Tulen Mewah Fang Zih Deluxe dengan Pengekstrakan Kepah Emas (50ml/pack) – (7 packs/box)

🐔 Pemilihan bahan mentah yang ketat

🐓 Memilih ayam asli berbulu merah berumur 90 hari atau lebih, dengan protein berkualitas tinggi dan lemak yang lebih sedikit (berbeza dengan ayam 40 hari di pasaran atau ayam tua yang tidak dapat bertelur dan tidak mempunyai nilai pemakanan).

👨‍⚕️ Bekerjasama dengan ladang ayam yang dapat dilacak melalui pertanian kontrak untuk memelihara ayam secara manusiawi sejak kecil. Pasukan veterinar profesional juga dipekerjakan untuk memastikan kesejahteraan mereka.

🌾💊🐓 Tiada hormon pertumbuhan atau steroid yang digunakan sepanjang proses pemakanan. Sebaliknya, probiotik dan enzim ditambahkan ke makanan untuk meningkatkan kesihatan dan pertumbuhan ayam.

🔬👨‍🔬 Proses Pengilangan yang Ketat

🔍 Kerjasama dengan pasukan Bomy untuk produksi dan pengilangan.

👨‍🔬 Kilang pengilangan disahkan oleh SO22000 dan HACCP untuk memastikan kualiti dan keselamatan.

💧 Menggunakan teknologi pengekstrakan suhu tinggi yang berterusan untuk memisahkan bahan-bahan dan wap air, tanpa penambahan air untuk mengelakkan pencairan nutrien.

👌 Teknologi khas untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan minyak, menghasilkan rasa segar dan manis tanpa bau ikan yang tidak sedap.

🔬 Dilengkapi dengan peralatan sterilisasi profesional, teknologi sterilisasi suhu tinggi dan tekanan tinggi membolehkan esen ayam tulen disimpan pada suhu bilik selama dua tahun tanpa pengawet, tanpa risiko kerusakan, dan tanpa mengambil ruang dalam peti sejuk.

🥇💪🥛Gizi Sangat Tinggi

🥇Gizi sangat tinggi: Dengan kandungan protein 10g/100ml (purata pasaran 6g), asid amino rantai bercabang jumlah keseluruhan 589mg/100ml (purata pasaran 420mg), dan kolagen 8,980mg/100ml (kebanyakan tidak dinyatakan di pasaran), produk kami memiliki nilai pemakanan yang luar biasa.

🙅‍♀️🧂Rendah sodium, 🚫sifar kolesterol, 🚫sifar lemak, dan 🍎💪penambahan nutrisi tanpa bebanan. Produk kami menyediakan cara yang bebas rasa bersalah untuk meningkatkan pengambilan nutrisi anda. 🍃

🌍🏆 Anugerah Antarabangsa

🐔🔍Esen ayam tulen telah lulus beberapa pemeriksaan SGS dan bebas dari ubat haiwan, pengawet, dan bahan tambahan tiruan, memberikan anda pilihan yang selamat dan dapat dipercayai.

🌟🌟🌟Diberi sijil pengiktirafan Anti-Addictive Three-Star Verification antarabangsa, bebas dari bahan tambahan tiruan mana

RM 269.00

🐔 Strict selection of raw materials

🐓 Choose red feathered native chickens aged 90 days or more, with high-quality protein and less fat (as opposed to the market’s 40-day broilers or old hens that cannot lay eggs and have no nutritional value).

👨‍⚕️Collaborate with traceable poultry farms through contract farming to raise the chickens humanely from a young age. Professional veterinary teams are also employed to ensure their welfare.

🌾💊🐓 No growth hormones or steroids are used during the entire feeding process. Instead, probiotics and enzymes are added to the feed to boost the chickens’ health and growth.

🔬👨‍🔬 Strict Manufacturing Process

🔍 Collaboration with Bomy team for production and manufacturing.

👨‍🔬 Manufacturing plant is verified by SO22000 and HACCP to ensure quality and safety.

💧 Uses constant temperature high-pressure extraction technology to separate ingredients and water vapour, with no added water to avoid dilution of nutrients.

👌 Special technology removes impurities and oil, resulting in a fresh and sweet taste without any fishy flavour.

🔬 Equipped with professional sterilisation equipment, high-temperature and high-pressure sterilisation technology allows the pure chicken essence to be stored at room temperature for up to two years without preservatives, without fear of spoilage, and without taking up space in the refrigerator.

🥇💪🥛Ultra-Rich Nutrition

🥇Ultra-rich nutrition: With a protein content of 10g/100ml (market average 6g), total branched-chain amino acids of 589mg/100ml (market average 420mg), and collagen of 8,980mg/100ml (mostly not indicated in the market), our product boasts exceptional nutritional value.

🙅‍♀️🧂Low sodium, 🚫zero cholesterol, 🚫zero fat, and 🍎💪nutritional supplementation without any burden. Our product provides a guilt-free way to boost your nutritional intake. 🍃

🌍🏆 International Awards

🐔🔍👍 The pure chicken essence has passed multiple SGS inspections, and is free of animal drugs, preservatives, and artificial additives, providing you with a safe and trustworthy option.

🌟🌟🌟Internationally certified by Anti-Addictive Three-Star Verification, free from any artificial additives.

🏆🥇🐔 Awarded Monde Selection Grand Gold Quality Award, the only domestic pure chicken essence brand to receive two international awards

🇹🇼👍🔖 The SNQ National Quality Mark is a national-level quality assurance mark for health products. It is equally credible as the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s health food certification, and serves as a trusted third-party certification for health products in Taiwan.

👴👵🥇 The “Eatender Award” 🍴 is a selection award specially organised by the Food Industry Research and Development Institute of the Council of Agriculture for the elderly. Participating products must meet strict selection criteria that meet the nutritional and dietary needs of the elderly, such as “using local ingredients, complying with safety regulations, focusing on nutritional functions, and having a friendly texture.” The award is judged by experts in various nutrition and long-term care fields. Only products recommended by the selection committee can receive the award.

Best Consumption Groups:
👶 Pre-pregnancy: high-quality nutrition to prepare for pregnancy and boost fertility
🤰 Pregnant and postpartum mothers: the optimal choice for nourishing during pregnancy and postpartum recovery
👵 Elderly: small molecule amino acids for better and faster nutrient absorption
🤕 Recovery from illness: protein helps with tissue repair
👩‍💻 Night-shift workers: the industry’s highest total branched-chain amino acids to quickly replenish energy and help you power through the night
👦 Children over 2 years old: It helps adjust and strengthen their physique
👶 Children over 6 months old: can be added to complementary foods to supplement key nutrients for healthy growth

🐔 严格选择原材料
🐓 选择90天以上的红羽毛土鸡,具有高品质的蛋白质和低脂肪(与市场上的40天的肉鸡或不能下蛋且无营养的老母鸡相对)。
👨‍⚕️ 通过合同农业与可追溯的养鸡场合作,从小就人道方式养鸡。还雇用专业的兽医团队确保它们的福祉。
🌾💊🐓 整个饲养过程中不使用生长激素或类固醇。相反,饲料中添加了益生菌和酶以提高鸡的健康和生长。
🔬👨‍🔬 严格的制造过程
🔍 与Bomy团队合作进行生产和制造。
👨‍🔬 制造厂通过SO22000和HACCP验证以确保质量和安全。
💧 采用恒温高压提取技术分离成分和水蒸气,不添加水以避免营养被稀释。
👌 特殊技术去除杂质和油,使纯鸡精味道清新甜美,没有任何腥味。
🔬 配备专业的灭菌设备,高温高压灭菌技术可使纯鸡精在开封前保持在室温下两年,无需防腐剂,无需担心变质,也无需占用冰箱空间。

🥇💪🥛 超高营养价值
🥇 超高营养价值:每100毫升的蛋白质含量为10克(市场平均6克),总支链氨基酸为589毫克/100毫升(市场平均420毫克),胶原蛋白为8980毫克/100毫升(市场上大多数没有标示),我们的产品具有异常的营养价值。
🙅‍♀️🧂 低钠,🚫零胆固醇,🚫零脂肪,🍎💪营养补充而无任何负担。我们的产品提供了一种毫不费力的方式来增加您的营养摄入。🍃
🌍🏆 国际奖项
🐔🔍👍 纯鸡精经过多次SGS检查,无动物药物、防腐剂和人工添加剂,为您提供了一个安全可靠的选择。
🌟🌟🌟 通过防成瘾三星认证国际认证,不含任何人工添加剂。
🏆🥇🐔 荣获Monde Selection Grand Gold Quality Award,是唯一获得两项国际奖项的国内纯鸡精品牌。

🇹🇼👍🔖 SNQ国家质量标志是健康产品的国家级质量保证标志。它与卫生福利部的“健康标志”一样可靠,是台湾健康产品的受信任的第三方认证。
👴👵🥇 “Eatender奖” 🍴 是农业委员会食品工业研究与发展所专为老年人组织的选择奖项。参与的产品必须符合严格的选择标准,符合老年人的营养和膳食需求,如“使用本地原料、符合安全规定、专注于营养功能并具有友好的口感。”该奖项由各种营养和长期护理领域的专家评审。只有经选定委员会推荐的产品才能获奖。
👶 怀孕前:高质量营养,为

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 12 × 6.5 × 17.5 cm
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