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888 – Organic Care2U – Mi Bit Organik / Organic Beetroot Noodle (200g)


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Mi Bit Organik dari Organic Care2u terbuat dari tepung gandum organik yang tidak diputihkan dan bubuk bit. Ini dapat dianggap sebagai pilihan yang lebih sehat dan bernutrisi dibandingkan mi konvensional bagi masyarakat yang peduli akan kesehatan. Bit adalah bahan yang kaya nutrisi yang mengandung Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zat besi, folat, dan mangan. Ini juga merupakan makanan super yang dikaitkan dengan penurunan risiko obesitas, kematian secara keseluruhan, diabetes, dan penyakit jantung, serta meningkatkan kesehatan kulit dan rambut, energi yang meningkat, dan penurunan berat badan secara keseluruhan.

Apa yang istimewa dari Mi Bit Organik dari Organic Care2u?

Mi Bit Organik dari Organic Care2u terbuat dari tepung gandum organik yang tidak diputihkan. Tidak ada agen pemutih, bahan tambahan, pewarna, atau pengawet yang digunakan. Simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering atau jika tidak digunakan selama beberapa bulan, disarankan untuk disimpan di dalam lemari pendingin. Hanya bahan segar yang digunakan. Tekstur dan rasa mi ini lembut dan lezat.

Petunjuk Memasak:

Pertama, masukkan mi ke dalam air mendidih selama 4-5 menit. Kemudian, angkat mi dan bilas dengan air dingin. Terakhir, Anda dapat menggoreng atau memasak mi dalam sup dengan bahan favorit Anda. Satu bungkus mi seberat 200g dapat digunakan untuk 2-3 porsi.


Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle is mainly made from Organic Unbleached Wheat flour and Beetroot Powder. It can be consider as a healthier and nutritious choice compared to conventional noodle for health conscious community nowadays. Beetroot is a nutritious ingredients which contain Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Iron. folate and manganese. It is also a superfood associated with decreases the risk of obesity. overall mortality. diabetes. and heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair. increased energy. and overall lower weight.

What’s so special about Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle?

Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle is made from organic unbleached wheat flour. No bleaching agent. additives. colouring or preservatives are used. Best kept in cool dry place or if not used for months it is best refrigerated. Only the fresh ingredients are used. The texture and taste of the noodles are soft and delicious.

Cooking Instruction:

First. place the noodle into boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Next. remove noodles and rinse with cold water. Lastly. you can fry or cook noodle in your soup with your favourite ingredients. 2-3 servings for one pack 200g of noodle.

RM 6.80 RM 7.60

Out of stock

Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle is mainly made from Organic Unbleached Wheat flour and Beetroot Powder. It can be consider as a healthier and nutritious choice compared to conventional noodle for health conscious community nowadays. Beetroot is a nutritious ingredients which contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, folate and manganese. It is also a superfood associated with decreases the risk of obesity, overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

What’s so special about Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle?
Organic Care2u Organic Beetroot Noodle is made from organic unbleached wheat flour. No bleaching agent, additives, colouring or preservatives are used. Best kept in cool dry place or if not used for months it is best refrigerated. Only the fresh ingredients are used. The texture and taste of the noodles are soft and delicious.

Cooking Instruction:
First, place the noodle into boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Next, remove noodles and rinse with cold water. Lastly, you can fry or cook noodle in your soup with your favourite ingredients. 2-3 servings for one pack 200g of noodle.

Organik Malaysia HALAL





SKU: FORG200BEESKOC2 Categories: , , , , , Tags: , ,
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 7 × 2 × 29 cm

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